Saturday, November 13, 2010

Nine Months Old

Cameron is Nine Months Old!

November 13, 2010
Weight: 15 pounds, 9 ounces
Length: 28 inches
Head: 44 centimeters

Well, Cameron has officially been outside of my tummy just as long as she was inside my tummy. Part of me can't believe she is only nine months old because it's hard to remember what our lives were like without her and another part of me can't believe she's already getting so big. Her weight is in the 5th percentile, height is in the 70th percentile and head circumference is in the 50th percentile. They said it's pretty normal for the weight to drop a little bit at around nine months because babies tend to be getting active around now, which is definitely true of Cameron.

It was kind of funny because this morning Ryan and I were at Santiago's getting a few breakfast burritos and I reminded him that exactly nine months ago on a Saturday morning he was standing in exactly the same place doing the exact same thing while I was sitting in a hospital bed in labor. We joke about it, but he was determined to go out and get a breakfast burrito from Santiago's that morning. So once I had my epidural he snuck out to get himself a burrito...the anesthesiologist actually jumped on the wagon and had Ryan bring him a burrito too! HA

So Cameron, what are you up to at nine months old?
  • You are still eating solid foods twice a day. You've tried butternut squash, ground turkey (which you do not like, I think it's a consistency thing), asparagus and blueberries. You just started eating finger foods—cheerios and sweet potato puffs.  
  • You are a master army crawler. You can get around really quick. It's the funniest thing to watch.
  • You have crawled on all fours a couple of times, but you generally transition into the army crawl pretty quickly. I guess you must just think it's a faster mode of transportation.  
  • You love to pull yourself up on things—tables, chairs, the TV stand, legs, the bookcase, the dishwasher—pretty much anything you can get to.  
  • You make some of the funniest faces. People comment all the time on how expressive you are.
  • You are a little peanut, you are still mostly wearing 6 month clothes.
  • You had your first bout with the stomach bug and your first trip to the ER this past month. It wasn't very fun for any of us. But we're glad you bounced back quickly.
  • Your first two teeth have broken though, the bottom middle teeth.
  • You celebrated your very first Halloween and dressed up like a little 50's girl.
  • You're sleeping patterns are mostly the same, sleeping from 8:00 or 8:30pm until about 7:30am and taking two naps a day. You've grown out of taking an evening cat nap.
  • You've started getting much more opinionated about your surroundings. If we take something away from you that you really want you'll cry and you've started to put up a little bit of a fight when we put you down for a nap or to bed.
  • You love to talk, make funny noises, blow raspberries and mimic the noises we make.
  • You are such a ham! You are constantly making us laugh and smile. What a joy it is to be your parents.
Pictures from the past months:

1 comment:

Unknown said...

yay, sweet Cameron! totally agree with the conflicted feeling of "how have you only been here x months, how are you already x months old?!"
Praise the Lord for our little ones that bring us great joy!