Monday, July 22, 2013

Cousin Love

It's about 1pm on Monday and we're already on our third movie of the day. Why on earth would you let your kids become TV zombies in the middle of the summer? I have a good reason, I promise! My kiddos are in desperate need of some downtime because we have been so crazy busy the last couple of weeks with nonstop cousin fun! Annie, Cole and Finley were here from Texas for almost two whole weeks, so we've had a lot of fun family time.

Big Highlights:

Ryan and I ran the Roger's Run 5k race which is part of this big Rhythm on the River festival they have in Longmont every year. Aunt Annie walked the 5k and pushed the girls in the stroller which was awesome because we were able to push it a little more then we would have been able to with them in tow. Cameron was super stoked because we let her get out of the stroller and run the home stretch. This girl LOVES to run. So cute.

After the run we got to explore the festival which had a gazillion fun things to do. Daddy and Cameron built a little tree house which she painted green, and Sydney and I made a music shaker. The girls were completely tuckered out after.

We went to the zoo. It was the perfect day to go too because it wasn't all that hot or crowded. Ryan took the day off and came with us and Uncle Nick had flown in for the weekend and was able to go with us too. Cameron's friend Analucia and her Mommy and little brother also came with us.

We went to the pool, which was the perfect way to beat the heat!

Annie and I took the big kids to go see Despicable Me 2 while Mimi and Papa watched the little girls. Cole and Cameron had a blast. Cole was so cute, while we were in the theater he kept saying, "This movie is SO good!" We even took the Minions along. :)

We went to the library twice! Once for story time and once for this little show they put on. As part of the show they had kids from the audience come on stage to share their favorite fruit or vegetable. Cameron was very brave and volunteered to go up on stage. What was her favorite fruit or veggie?? "Carrots" WHHAAAT!!! She won't even put a carrot close to her mouth. But I suppose that was the first thing that came to mind. :)

Those are just the big highlights. A lot of other fun hanging out went down over the course of the last few weeks. 

Ok, so can I just say, these two are going to be TROUBLE!!! They were cracking me up the whole week. They both are this great mix of sweet and sassy.

In the middle of all the cousin fun, we got to go celebrate a friends birthday with some pizza and ice cream. Yum! This place is awesome because they have this area outside where the kids can run around and ride on bouncy cows! So much fun for them. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The two little ones setting on the porch and the one with her legs spread open is sweet I love a little girl in a diaper yummy