Sunday, August 4, 2013

Drive In Move (Pinterest Comes to Life)

Pinterest is totally addicting! Who's with me? Seriously, I have pinned a gazillion different things on my Pinterest boards, but actually brining all these great things to life...well that's a completely different story. Who actually has time to be super crafty pants all the time? I WISH I did, but that's just not reality. (TEAR) 

HOWEVER, a couple weeks ago a friend of my had a little get together and completely brought some awesome Pinterest ideas to life. It was AWESOME! We had a "Drive in Movie" night. All of the kids decorated boxes to look like cars and then everyone "parked" in the backyard and watched Horton Hears a Who. But the fun didn't stop there. The kids each made their own "treat necklaces" by stringing Life Saver Gummies, Fruit Loops, cookies, and other fun treats. Plus they all had bags of popcorn, lemonade and glow-in-the-dark bracelets. 

Cameron and Sydney had a blast, although Sydney didn't last too long in her car before she wanted to get up and wonder around. was awesome. :) 

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