Monday, September 17, 2012

Girl Time w/ Finley

Last week Finley got to come and hang out with us for a couple days. It was so much fun! We missed Cole bunches, but we had some quality girl time. We played with toys, played outside, went to the park and met some of Cameron and Sydney's friends.

It was pretty funny because Finely was really quite the whole time she was at our house (which from what Annie tells me isn't complete normal for her). I just think she was in awe of Cameron and Sydney, mostly because they are SO LOUD!

These three are TROUBLE!

Miss Finley, you're such a little ham!

This attempt at getting the three of them to sit on the couch together was a fail!

When did Cameron get old enough for fake smiles??

This photo needs a little background. We have officially entered the "Active Twos" phase of Cameron's life. And when I say that I mean EVERYTHING is a challenge with her these days. The other morning, getting dressed was a challenge. I finally decided it wasn't worth the fight and let her pick her own outfit. This is what we got... nice! HAHA

So serious Cameron, geeze!  

 Finely loved this little stroller!

Oh my goodness, what have I done to my children?? #iPhoneandiPadObsessed 

3-D Chalk? Yes Please!

These are Cameron's two best little buddies, Ian and Bella.  

One afternoon after naps, Sydney had her heart set on having Finley's pacifiers. She had no interest in her pacifiers, she wanted Finley's. I was cracking up at her mischievousness, so I had to take a video. Look at Sydney's face about a minute in, what a little stinker! Poor Miss Finley.

I'm not going to lie, it was a little tricky having all three girls by myself, but for the most part the girls did great. We only had a few of these moments...

And when we did they were from my kids...go figure!

Thanks for coming to visit us Finley! We miss you already. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

get that hand from between your legs cutie, if you want yourpussy playing with I will gladly do it