Thursday, September 20, 2012

Adventures w/ Friends

We are so blessed to have wonderful neighbors! Every single day before Cameron goes to bed she tells me, "Mommy, I thankful for all my friends, for Bella, and Ian, and Riley!" Those are her three little buddies that live in our neighborhood. Anyway, last weekend we went to Nederland on a little outing with Cameron's friend Bella and her family. Bella's mommy grew up in Nederland, so they know the ropes up there. It was so much fun.

This was Sydney cruising around while we were getting ready to leave. Silly kid.

As we were driving around in town we got to see the leaves changing on the aspen trees, so beautiful!

Then we went on a short hike. The girls did great, although Cameron and Bella got a little tired of walking towards the end so we ended up carrying them part of the way.

Seriously look at these two. What little hams. They are seriously two little peas in a pod.

Cameron was beyond excited when Meagan (Bella's mommy) said she could help walk the dogs. (Daddy, I think you're going to have to buy this little one a puppy one of these days!)

And of course we had to examine a number of rocks, sticks and pine cones along the way.

Our adventures were far from over when we finished up with our hike. The next stop, The Carousel of Happiness! Don't be fooled by the somber face, Cameron was ecstatic for the ride. "I go round and round on the maryround Mommy!"

Sydney was thrilled too. Look a that face! Too funny.

Cameron had so much fun she convinced us to let her go a second time. So her and Daddy went for round two while Sydney and I waived from the side.

We were all starving when we finished up with the carousel, so we headed across the parking lot for some pizza and then hit up the candy/ice cream shop for a little treat.

After that we headed home. We were all exhausted! Thanks Meagan, Bella and Gabby for such a fun day! We love you guys!

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