Monday, October 17, 2011

Welcome Sydney!

We are so excited to introduce you to the newest addition to our family...

Sydney Kate Volk
Born October 11, 2011 at 3:40pm
7 pounds 7 ounces, 19 3/4 inches

She came in a hurry. I went into labor around 11:00 am on Tuesday morning with a faint ache in my back. I wasn't completely convinced I was actually in labor until about 1:30 pm when I decided I should start tracking my contractions. Ryan got home about 2:30 or 2:45 pm. We started making our way to the hospital a little bit after 3:00 pm, and Sydney was born at 3:40 pm, just 10 minutes after we walked (well I actually was wheeled in a wheelchair) into the doors of Labor & Delivery at the hospital. The doctor barely made it in time, to be honest, I don't even think he had time to get his gloves on before she was out.

The whole ordeal was VERY different than when I had Cameron, but it definitely makes for a good story to tell. I felt like we were in a movie!

Our "adventure" didn't stop after Sydney was born either. When the pediatrician came to check Sydney, she discovered a little problem with her bottom. We ended up transferring her down to Children's Hospital by ambulance at about 10:00 pm Tuesday night so that we could have her looked at by some specialists.

It turned out to be a really good thing that Sydney came so quickly and I didn't have time to have an epidural or any other pain meds when she was born (although I wouldn't have ever said that in the middle of it all!). I think that the fact that I didn't have any drugs or anything enabled me to be discharged right away so I could go with her to Children's that night.

Long story short. She is fine, but she is going to need to have surgery in a couple months to get everything aligned properly in her bottom region.

We are just so thankful that our little girl is healthy and that what had the potential to be a really big problem ended up being relatively small in the big scheme of things. All I have to say is God is good! 

We were in such a rush heading into the hospital that we didn't think to bring the camera in, so sadly we don't really have that many pictures. But we did manage to get a few...enjoy!  


Unknown said...

Congrats, welcome beautiful Sydney! That is quite a story, I'm glad everyone is home and healthy. Way to go on the natural childbirth! :)

Mackenzie Turrill said...

two beautiful girls! Thinking about you and wondering how the 'one to two' adjustment is if you ever need anything!! (or to talk it out ;) you cqn do it! It gets easier everday..! Congrats again!!!