Saturday, June 11, 2011

Relaxing in Breckenridge

Several months ago I booked a week long "staycation" for us up in Breckenridge. At the time I had no idea the week would end up conflicting with our moving weekend. But I think it ended up being a blessing in disguise. Ryan, Cameron and I were all extremely exhausted from the craziness of moving. Being away from everything and having the chance to rest and relax up in the mountains was great.

We headed up to the mountains on Monday afternoon and came back Friday morning. The time in between was pretty much spent sleeping, eating, hanging out at the pool, shopping and walking. Ryan even got the chance to head out on his bike a few times. It was really, really nice.

 Cameron and Daddy playing in the pool

 There was a great view from the pool

 Cameron LOVED helping us push the elevator buttons

 Daddy and his little girl

 Mommy and Miss Cameron

 Checking out the water

 Heading out for a little hike

On the hike Cameron was styling in her hat, sunglasses, converse and her tied sweatshirt

 Cameron had a blast "hiking", she thought the pine cones were pretty cool...and the dirt!

 Heading up the trail

Little Miss Cool

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