Wednesday, June 1, 2011

An Update

A little update on what we've been doing lately:

Last week Ryan really wasn't feeling very well. I think the bug that Cameron and I had in Texas finally made its way to him. He stayed home from work, which is not something that he does very often. Cameron thought it was pretty cool to have her daddy home for the day. Especially because that meant we got to keep the TV on. She was glad to pull up a seat and check out daytime TV with her poppa...

I've been really busy with work stuff the last week or so. We have a big trade show coming up in a couple weeks and I've been going crazy trying to get everything ready to go for that. Cameron, of course, has been very interested in helping...

Last Saturday I had my 10 year high school reunion. We had a BBQ at the school in the afternoon and then a bar event on Pearl Street on Saturday night. It was fun to catch up with the people who were there, although a lot of the people I hung out with weren't able to make it. I just can't believe it has already been 10 years since the days I roamed the halls of Fairview High School. Where did the time go?

Sunday night we got to see my cousin Jeff, his wife Apryl and their two boys, Avery and Henry. They were visiting from Nebraska. It was really fun to catch up with them and Cameron loved playing with her cousins. Both Cameron and Avery we're pretty excited about Superpop and Granne's homemade ice cream. Cameron ate her entire cup and then started licking the cup to make sure she got every last drop. She is definitely her momma's daughter!

Tuesday we went to the zoo with Maegan. It's really starting to feel like summer here so we had a blast enjoying the beautiful day. Cameron is definitely starting to love the zoo. She had so much fun running around and looking at the animals. I'm so glad we got an annual pass so we can go a whole bunch this summer.

Today we took possession of our new house! Yes, that's right ladies and gentleman, we ripped the very last link of the countdown chain today (notice, Ryan's got the last link with us in the picture...oh yeah). We are so excited! Granted we still have A LOT of work to do to get everything moved. But it feels really good that we're getting things going. Cameron has been a real trooper. Her schedule has gotten really messed up because of all the logistics we've needed to take care of for the house, but she's dealt with it pretty well considering.

Well that's about all for now. I should probably be getting to bed. We have another big day of moving tomorrow.

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