Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Mother's Day

We had a really nice Mother's Day on Sunday. While Cameron took her morning nap, we started to pack up our condo. We're still going to be there for a few more weeks, so we could only pack things that we really won't need—books, decorations, etc.—but it's amazing how those "few things" end up filling a lot of bins and boxes.

When Cameron woke up, we made a lunch and walked over to the park for a picnic. Cameron is begining to be a big fan of the playground. She loves swinging and going down the slide...and she LOVES all the other kids and doggies! She always makes friends. It makes me laugh because I'm so not like that. She is definitely her daddy's little girl. We're actually having to work on teaching her that it's not ok to go up and touch the other little kids, because they don't always like that! HA

Sunday night we went to Ryan's parents house for dinner. His grandparents were in town for the week from North Dakota. They haven't seen Cameron for a long time so it was fun to catch up with them.

That pretty much covers our day. I'm really blessed to have such a wonderful husband and little girl. Being a mommy is truly a gift! 

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