Monday, March 21, 2011

A Little of This and a Little of That

I picked up the pottery that Ryan and I painted last weekend, and I think it turned out pretty darn good so I wanted to post a picture and show off our artistic skills! :-) I painted the light switch cover (for Cameron's new room in our new house) and Ryan painted the dragon bank. Apparently dragons are all the rage with little kids these days because of the new movie How to Train Your Dragon. We had no idea!

Also, Cameron is starting to love being outside. I let her play out on our patio a couple times this weekend and we also went for a walk around the neighborhood. And when I say a walk, I mean Cameron walked the whole way all by herself! I was pretty impressed by how far she made it. She, of course, kept wanting to stop to inspect (and even taste) rocks, point to birds flying by and check out the decorations that people had outside of their front doors. It was fun though. I can't believe how much she is growing up.

Here is a short video clip of her playing on the patio with her ball. You can hear her say "ball" a couple times...and you can see her testing me by trying to touch the grill utensils, which she knew were off limits!

My doctor's appointment is this afternoon at 2pm. Please pray that everything is going well with little "Kumquat" Volk! 

1 comment:

theseemanfamily said...

I finally saw a kumquat at the grocery store the other day. It looks like an itty bitty oval-shaped orange :) It's also a lot smaller than I thought it was. ha!