Friday, March 18, 2011

Three + One More = Four!

Well I think the cat is out of the bag, so I figure it's time to update the blog with our news...Ryan and I are expecting our second little munchkin next Fall! The official due date is October 16. We had a ultrasound a few weeks ago to find out how far along I was and to make sure that everything looked ok. We heard a heartbeat and got to see our little...well blob...on the screen, which was really cool. It never ceases to amaze me how truly incredible God is.

Originally I wanted to wait until after our 10 week doctors appointment (which is this coming Monday) to make the official announcement to everyone. Anyone that's ever had a baby can probably relate, but those first weeks are so nerve racking. It's nearly impossible to not worry about something happening. But it just started to get too hard trying to keep it a secret, so we told our parents a couple weeks ago and have slowly been revealing the news to friends and family since then.

I haven't been feeling horrible, but I definitely haven't been feeling great either. I would have to say that this time around I've been feeling it more than I did with Cameron. I've had a pretty consistent yucky throw-up feeling in my stomach—although I haven't actually thrown-up, thank goodness—and I've had a really hard time sleeping. I'm just thankful that Cameron takes a couple of good naps everyday so that I can nap too! I'm just keeping my fingers crossed that we're approaching the end of these yuckies.

We are so blessed to have this opportunity to expand our family! We absolutely love being parents and couldn't think of anything that could possibly be more rewarding. Please keep us and Baby Volk  in your prayers over these next weeks and months. We just pray for a healthy baby, smooth pregnancy and God's guidance through every step of the process.


Unknown said...

yay, congrats to yall, so exciting! Announcing is good, now we can pray with you. I hope the ickyness goes away soon too! You know how i feel about it! Spearmint gum helped me and ginger (tea, candy, etc.). And don't let your self get hungry, eat lots of small meals. ok, that's my two cents, haha. Again, very excited for yall and for Cameron to be a big sister!

Lauren Heyl said...

CONGRATS - how exciting! What a wonderful blessing :) Love the pics, Cameron is getting more adorable every day!

Anonymous said...

Granne likes the headline. This little blessing is definitely going to like math and be good with number sense. :)