Thursday, October 28, 2010

Guess Who's Sick Now?

So guess what happened after Cameron was sick last week? Yep that's right...I got sick! It was horrible. I haven't been sick like that since I was a little kid (thank goodness). I was so miserable. I suppose now we can be certain that it was the stomach bug and not something else. Ryan managed to slide by without getting sick which is a huge relief.

Since our week has been a little discombobulated with getting everyone back to 100%, I just have a bunch of random pictures to share.

We usually try not to have the TV on while Cameron is awake, but when I was sick I was just happy she was entertained.

Quite the little climber, she is so good at pulling herself up on things now.

See what I mean? I just turn my head and look back and think to myself, "how did she do that so quick?"

 Looking out the window.

 Giving me a sweet smile.

 Climbing in her book basket.

 Flushing the toilet...seriously, she actually flushed it!

I had a bag of vacuum parts sitting on the chair next to her, the next thing I knew she had this in her mouth! I was cracking up. Silly girl! 

 Eating mommy's cell phone...nice.

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