Monday, September 20, 2010

The Week in Review

Happy Monday to everyone! I can't believe that we're already in the second half of September, what happened to the summer? I'm just glad that the weather hasn't really started getting cold yet.

We had a very exciting and busy week last week. Here's the 10 second rundown:

Monday: Cameron turned 7 months old
Tuesday: We started MOPS in Boulder
Wednesday: I started Bible Study Fellowship (BSF) on Isaiah
Thursday: Grandma and Superpop came over for a couple hours
Friday: Ryan left for the church men's retreat
Saturday: I went out and Cameron stayed with my parents
Sunday: We went to church came home and took a nap

Here's Cameron practicing her soccer skills, just like her daddy (Ryan's playing in a fall soccer league right now).

Saturday morning it was a little cold outside, but Cameron and I bundled up and went for a run.

She found the wine while she was exploring...yikes!

Helping Mommy with her work.

This was the view from our patio one night last week. Isn't it beautiful? I think the smoke from the fires helped the colors stand out, which probably isn't a good thing, but it still looked pretty.

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