Thursday, September 23, 2010

Up On Her Feet

Oh my goodness, Cameron is becoming a big girl! I can't believe it, she's pulling up to her feet and standing all by her self now! Yikes, we're going to have to be careful. Good thing she's so little so if she falls there isn't a long way to the ground.  

This was her a few nights ago, pulling up so she could look into her toy basket.

And this is how I found her when I went in to get her after her nap today! She pushed up to her feet a few seconds after she was on her knees. We're definitely going to need to lower the mattress in her bed soon.

Cameron's really into chewing on EVERYTHING...including the camera cap.

 Jamming out with the piano while I was working on the computer.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

adorable! she'll be walking in no time! (scary, right?) =)