Thursday, September 16, 2010

Gerber Baby

I'm a nerdy mommy and I entered Cameron in the Gerber Generation Photo Contest. I didn't realize that it was one of those things where people vote and the baby with the most votes is the winner, but that's how it's set up.

SO, that means that everyone needs to go vote for Cameron because OF COURSE she's the cutest baby in the whole world and should definitely win! ;-)

All you have to do is:

1) Go to this url:
2) Click the red "Vote for August Photos" button
3) Click the blue "Search Photos" button at the bottom
4) Enter "Cameron" and "Longmont"
5) Select her photo and click the red "Vote for Me" button
6) Enter your email address and submit
7) They'll send you an email to verify your vote

The best part is you can vote once a day for the rest of September, so go crazy people. :-)

I mean seriously, look at how cute that little face is!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

i voted!! ok i may have to enter Sean in this for next month, haha. Fun!