Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The Past Week

Since my last post Cameron's gotten to try sweet potatoes and zucchini. Both of the veggies were a much bigger hit than the plain old rice cereal was. She is definitely starting to get the hang of eating real food, but still isn't eating a ton. I did some research and apparently that's completely normal at first. I guess it just takes time because, like anything else, eating is a new skill that must be learned. For some reason, I just thought she'd love food and start gobbling it up...that's probably because I love food so much! ;-)

It's really funny because when I'm feeding her she likes to grab the spoon and help me shove it into her mouth. It's a little problematic when she misses the handle and just grabs the end knocking the food all over the place. She also doesn't like to sit still, so that certainly makes each and every feeding an adventure!

Another new development: Miss Cameron is starting to have some anxiety with men and strangers. She had mini breakdowns with both my dad and Ryan's dad last week and we got called out of church to pick her up in the nursery on Sunday morning. I'm not quite sure why. It's probably just a phase that she'll grow out of.

This week Cameron also started giving high fives. It's awesome! She isn't great at it yet, but if you put up your hand and say, "Give me five!" she'll reach her hand up to yours. It's very cute. I'll have to get a video so I can post it for you to see.

I think that's about it as far a news goes. We haven't had a whole lot going on the last week, just a lot of playing around and hanging out.
Getting ready for some sweet potato goodness. As you can see, I've started stripping her down to her diaper at meal time so it's easier to clean up after.

Yummy, yummy! Notice how she is twisted around in her chair?

"Hold on a second..."

"I need something exciting to do, I think I might read a book..."

"Hmmm, which one looks good?"

"Oh yes, this one looks really good!"

Just playing with her toys!

Taking a little cat nap

Playing in her jumping chair. She actually doesn't really like to jump in it, she mostly just stands and turns around in circles.

Superpop gave Cameron a funny hat

This is a cute little video of Cameron playing around:

This is a video of Cameron and her friend Mason. Mason is 9 months old. We were getting a kick out of how they were interacting!

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