Sunday, August 29, 2010

Our Big Girl

Little Miss Cameron isn't quite as little as she used to be. These are a few pictures with her showing everyone what a big girl she is.

Sitting on daddy's lap with her sippy cup.

Sitting in the high chair at Grammy's birthday dinner...she turned 39 on Aug. 28th ;-)

Sitting in the big kid seat at Walmart.

Sitting in her stroller the big girl way, notice how she's got her feet propped up? She loves to do that, it cracks me up.

Here's a video of her in her new high chair. It's the kind that just hooks onto the counter. I saw it at a consignment sale for $20 and figured I might as well give it a try. She actually really likes sitting in it. She always gets really excited and laughs a lot.

Also, as promised, this is a video of Cameron giving five.

Other news, I discovered that Cameron does NOT like bananas. I tried giving them to her the last couple of days and she wouldn't have anything to do with them. I eventually reverted back to sweet potatoes and zucchini which she seems to like. It's so funny, I thought she'd for sure like bananas! Shows what I know.

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