Friday, April 16, 2010

Two Month Doctors Appointment

We just finished with Cameron's two month doctors appointment. The doctor said that she looks great, so we must be doing something right! Her growth is right on track: 50th percentile for weight, 75th percentile for length and 55th percentile for head circumference.

Weight: 10 pounds, 12 ounces
Length: 23 inches
Head: 39 centimeters

At a baby's two month appointment they start vaccinations, which is something that I have really been wrestling with the past few weeks. It's hard because all we want is what's best for Cameron, but there are some very different opinions as to what is "best" for a child when it comes to vaccinating. Being the Type A person that I am, I did quite a bit of research before we went to the appointment today and then I had an in depth discussion with the doctor. And after all that, I felt even more lost than when I started.

I think Ryan summed it up best when he said: "It's like we're damned if we do and damned if we don't". That's totally how I feel about the whole vaccination issue. I guess it's just one of those things where you make the best decision you can with the information you have and then just pray that God takes care of your child. Hmmm, I feel like I've been saying that a lot this past year!

Long story short, Cameron ended up having two shots today. Oh my goodness, that's got to be one of the most heart wrenching things ever. I'm sure every mom out there can relate. One minute she was perfectly content, just sitting there on the table smiling and cooing and at us and then BAM she gets stuck, ouch! She actually did great, she hardly cried at all. I think I probably cried more than she did, man it was hard to watch.

After our appointment with the pediatrician, we stopped by Dr. Finnegan's office (our OB). His office is right across the parking lot so we thought it would be fun to drop in so he could see Cameron. He is so wonderful! It was really nice to see him and chat for a few minutes.


Grandma Summers said...

Hi Volk Family!

Norma said...

Hi Rachel and Ryan Your beautiful baby is a joy to behold. Keep up the good work.