Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Morning Ritual

Waking up in the morning is quite the process for our little Cameron. She cracks me up because as soon as we unswaddle her, her arms immediately pop up so she can stretch them out. Then, as soon as she's "free", she starts smiling at us like crazy. It's adorable! Who would have ever though waking up in the morning could be so much fun?

Here's a video that we took a few mornings ago when she was waking up. She wasn't as smiley as she usually, but it will give you an idea of what our mornings are like.


andersons2002 said...

So sweet! There's just nothing that can quite describe being a Mom. It's awesome! It's crazy just how awesome it can be while pulling your hair out :) Wait until terrible twos! They become sinful little beings!

Anonymous said...

Glad you like using the Miracle Blanket! :)
However, I was telling my mom last night that I think parents that have babies sleeping through the night at a few months, don't get the TRUE experience of parenthood...ha!

The Official Father of Cameron said...

This is the best part of my day! I love seeing her wake up with a big smile and watching her stretch her little body