Wednesday, March 3, 2010

A Big Weekend

Last weekend was very eventful for our little Cameron, her Aunt Annie and Cousin Cole made a special trip from Texas just so they could meet her! Cole is just over a year old now, so it was really fun to see his reaction to Cameron. To be honest, I don't know if he really knew what to think of her. He was very curious and would just stare at her in her car seat. A couple times when Annie was holding Cameron, Cole got a little jealous and we saw a few tears. I completely understand, after all that is HIS mommy, what the heck was she doing holding this strange little baby?

On Friday, Annie, Kathy and Cole went with Cameron and me to run some errands. I needed to get a few more items from Babies-R-Us. The closest Babies-R-Us store is all the way down in Westminster which is hugely inconvenient for us to get to, so I really appreciated their company. Before we left, we met the guys for lunch at Panera. It was Cameron's first meal out and she did great! It's not as hard to take a baby out as I thought it was going to be. I guess the biggest thing is to make sure she's covered up so that she doesn't get exposed to people who are sick.

Before we left Panera I tried to feed Cameron, but of course, she didn't want to eat until we were in the middle of Babies-R-Us. I had to park myself in one of the sample glider chairs in the middle of the store so I could feed her. Thanks to my handy hooter hider, I was able to pull it off no problem and we were back to shopping in no time!

The rest of the weekend we spent a lot of time over at Clair and Kathy's house just hanging out. It was a lot of fun, but I was exhausted by the time the weekend was over.

For some reason I didn't get very many pictures with my camera this weekend. So I stole a few from Annie's blog. Also, Annie has a really cute video of Cameron with the hiccups on her blog. It's funny because every once in awhile she'll get these HUGE hiccups and she sounds like a little squeaky toy. It's hard to believe such big hiccups are coming out of such a little girl! Click here to check out the video.

Cameron with her Aunt Annie

Cole checking out Cameron

Cameron hanging out with Grandpa Volk

Cameron sleeping with Daddy

Our little pewee in one of her cute little newborn outfits

Cole waking up from his nap with an awesome hairdo!

Our sweet little family (do you like how Cameron's staring at my chest!)

Little peanut

1 comment:

Lauren Heyl said...

Such fun pics - seems like the visit went well & everyone is adjusting wonderfully! Very happy for you!! :)