Thursday, February 25, 2010

On the Move

I finally got brave enough to venture out of the house on my own, so Cameron and I have had a very exciting couple of days. For our first outing, we went and visited daddy at the office so that Cameron could meet the Volk & Bell crew. Ryan had fun showing off his little girl and I was really proud of myself for getting Cameron all packed up and over to the office without any hiccups!

Since everything went so well at the office, when we left I decided to take Cameron over to the hospital to get her second genetics screening. They do the first screening in the hospital right after the baby is born and then they have to do a second one when the baby is 7 to 14 days old. Basically, they prick the baby's foot and squeeze blood out of it until they get enough to test. Cameron did really well when they took her blood the first time, she barley even cried. However, this time was a different story. She really wasn't happy with mom or the nurse that pricked her and she definitely let us know it. It was really sad to watch her cry like that, but it was also kind of neat because I was able to calm her down just by talking to her. That definitely makes you feel special as a mommy to know that your voice can be so soothing to your child.

After the raging success of yesterday's outing, I decided that I'd give it another go today, so this morning Cameron went and met Angela and Rebecca at mom's group. I really enjoyed it. Everyone was so nice and it was awesome to have the chance to talk to other mommies. It always cracks me up when I go to things like this in Longmont because everyone seems to know the Volk's. It makes me feel so special!

Some of Cameron's super cute outfits are a little more work to dress her in because they have mulitiple pieces, so I decided to reserve those for times when we actually leave the house. With yesterday being our very first outing, Cameron got to wear her new heart outfit. Very cute.

Cameron in her cute little heart outfit, gotta love that face

The flash didn't work great on this picture, but I thought it was cute

Sleepy baby


Unknown said...

well congrats to you and Cameron for a successful outing! I'm so impressed with your blogging, that you're keeping up with it frequently. Capturing even the little things will make this so fun to look back on. Did you know you can print your blog out in book form?!

andersons2002 said...

Yay! Glad you are feeling like getting out! I'm glad you liked our Mommy group! What a great speaker today! I know adoption and fostering doesn't apply much to us right now, but I just loved her! She seemed like such a sweet, sweet lady. You looked great! You look so comfortable as a Mommy! Cameron is so stinkin cute! She's so tiny!!! It's easy to forget really quickly how little bitty they come out!