Wednesday, March 24, 2010


It took awhile, but we finally set up the Angelcare monitor in Cameron's crib. Angelcare monitors are really neat, they have a sensor that detects the baby's movement and it alerts you when there isn't any movement for 20 seconds. They are supposed to help prevent SIDS. I pray that I NEVER hear that alarm go off, but it is nice to know that it's there just in case.

I wanted to wait until the monitor was set up before we had Cameron start sleeping in her crib. I know I'm probably being paranoid, but I feel much better having it in there.

Now, with the monitor all set up, we've been having Cameron take her naps in her own room. It seems like she really likes her bed, I'm so excited! HOWEVER, I'm not ready to have her sleep in there at night quite yet - thinking about that makes me too sad. I don't want her to grow up yet :-/. We'll probably give it another week or so and make the transition. Mommy needs some time to mentally prepare. (I know, I know I'm a complete nerd!)

Here's our little peanut in her crib.


Annie Seeman said...

You aren't crazy at all!!! It took us 3 months (also b/c he was a terrible sleeper) but I remember the first couple nights I was so sad! I felt like he was leaving home, leaving to go to college or something...haha!!!

Unknown said...

You do what you gotta do momma. We all have varying levels of mommy paranoia, hah!
Sean came home on a monitor and it was so nice. It was wrapped around his ribcage 27/4 and would monitor his heart rate and breathing. He had some apnea episodes in the NICU so it was required he go home on the monitor. After many weeks of no alarms it was a relief to take it off him though!
And I think checking in on your child to make sure they are breathing starts on day one and probably doesn't end till they're outa the house!
Glad you've got the monitor for a little more peace of mind.