Monday, February 8, 2010

Wedding Success - 39 Weeks

Baby Volk is the size of a mini watermelon!

Photo courtsey of

Well, another week down and still no baby. I'm actually glad that little Ms. Volk decided not to make her debut this weekend because Maegan and Panama's wedding was on Saturday. I felt great all weekend and was able participate in all the fun festivities without any problems! Maegan was a beautiful bride and the wedding was wonderful. So in a nut shell, the wedding was a huge success!

Now that the wedding is over, I've got one week of work and then it's baby time (assuming baby doesn't decide to join us any sooner)! I'm definitely starting to get a little more nervous. I'm used to athletic events where I know exactly when they start so I can get myself mentally ready before hand. With a baby, you have absolutely no idea when the starting gun is going to go off, so that makes it more difficult to "get in the zone," making the whole thing much more intimidating. I suppose this is just another way for God to remind me that I need to trust His plan. Gosh, why does He have to keep doing that? :-)

Here are some photos from the weekend.

Me and Maegan at the bridal luncheon

The Baylor girls

The beautiful MRS. Guevara


Ryan and Me

Nick and Anne

Profile shot, February 6, 2010

Keep checking back for updates. We'll definitely let you know when we have more baby news!


Unknown said...

WOW, it's almost time! I'm hoping Annie will post on FB so I can know asap after baby arrives =)
You look so good. I hope my next pregnancy, God willing, I won't scarf as much as I did the first one and not gain as much, haha.

I will pray all goes smoothly and nerves are calmed and it's just a over all joyous journey as yall bring your little girl into this world!

Rebecca said...

oh my goodness, rachel you look fabulous! what a beautiful bridesmaid dress! it's so cool how all of that worked out. i was just checking in on you......hang in there! :)