Friday, June 6, 2014

Welcome Kelton!

Meet our new little munchkin…

Kelton Thomas Volk
Born June 2, 2014 @ 10:27pm
8 pounds, 21 inches

On Monday morning the girls and I and Granne went to the pool. I might have had one or two contractions throughout the morning, but nothing major. When we got home my mom went home, Sydney went down for a nap and Cameron and I were watching a little TV. I decided to go upstairs to take a nap, but then decided I better take a shower instead.

Good thing I decided to shower. Not long after the shower I started having contractions and by 5:30pm Ryan was home and I was on the phone with Mimi asking her to come get the girls. While we waited for Mimi I spiral curled Cameron's hair (I have NO idea where this request came from! Never before or since has she asked me to curl her hair like that, but I figured for the sake of keeping peace I would comply to her request). We checked in at the hospital at about 7:00pm, were officially admitted a little after 8:00pm and Kelton was born a few minutes before 10:30pm.

As soon as I was admitted I asked to start the process of getting an epidural. I figured there was no reason to be a hero and the contractions were really starting to hurt. Welp, Kelton decided to come a little faster than everyone expected, so the epidural didn't have time to take full effect, all I'll say is yikes and ouch! Definitely brought back some memories of delivering Sydney!

But the moment I saw that sweet little face, and watched as he instantly calmed down when he heard my voice, it was all worth it. My beautiful baby boy… I have a BOY!!!

Cameron and Sydney were so excited to come meet their little brother, although I think they were a little unsure of what to do when they first walked into the hospital room. They loved their little brother immediately and were so excited to hold him. I'm so proud of them both, they really are great big sisters!

We got to go home on Wednesday night, June 4. The girls stayed with Granne and Superpop's house that night so we would have a little time to adjust to Kelton at home before it got too crazy. 

I can't believe it's all over already. I have my story now, my story of how Kelton was born. I waited patiently for months and now, it's just a part of the past. Crazy. But the truth is it's hardly over at all, our adventure of being a family of five is just beginning! I couldn't be more excited! My heart feels so full as I look back at all these photos and remember.

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