Friday, October 11, 2013


This sweet, sassy little girl is TWO YEARS OLD!!!

I can NOT believe it. I seriously look at this kid and can't believe what a big girl she is becoming. I'll be honest, it makes me a little sad that time is melting away so quickly. But at the same time, every single day is an adventure being the mommy of such a fun, crazy little girl.

We had Sydney's 2 year checkup and she is a healthy little girl. Her stats were not surprising at all, but it's always interesting to see exactly where she lines up with other kids her age. Weight 30 pounds (91st percentile) and Height 35.5 inches (88th percentile). Side note on the doctors appointment, Cameron loves Doc McStuffins, so she is totally obsessed with "checkups". So in the middle of Sydney's checkup she asked daddy if she could have a checkup too. Dr. Rosquist was so sweet and humored her! Thank goodness for Doc McStuffins...we could very easily have girls fighting us to go to the doctor, but now they love it!

So Miss Sydney, what things are you doing now that you're two?

  • You are a really funny little kid. You know how to work it just right to get people to laugh and keep laughing. 
  • You love your big sister "Ren" and love playing with her whenever you can. You get sad when she is away. The first thing you usually do when you wake up is ask where Ren is. However, you never hesitate to pester her when the opportunity arises. 
  • You still have a paci, which for some reason you call your "rice", no idea where that came from. 
  • You love your purple blanket that Auntie Jenna made for you and you always cuddle with it. You also love baby dolls, especially the one you got (stole) from Gabby. 
  • You are a great little runner and you love to jump and bounce around. 
  • You are obsessed with shoes, and your all time favorite right now are your little flip flops (which is starting to become a problem now that it's getting cold outside). 
  • You are a solid, tough girl and not much can phase you. 
  • You are extremely opinionated about what you wear. You usually insist on picking out your own outfits, which most of the time include shorts or pants. 
  • You like to do things by your self, so I hear "No me" a lot. 
  • You are very sweet and like to cuddle. 
  • You like to read books.
  • You are really good about saying "Thanks" when someone gives you something or helps you out. 
  • Every night when you say your prayers you thank God for your friend Otto. So cute and so sweet. 
  • You are so sweet and so fun! Your daddy and I love you SO, SO much. We are so thankful that God has given us our little Sydney. 

Happy Birthday Sweet Girl!!! 

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