Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Horsetooth Half

I love running! I really do. Every time I have the opportunity to get out I come back feeling totally energized. I had a really awesome opportunity this spring, I got to train for a half marathon with a couple amazing girlfriends. It was so, so, so much fun.

The race was the Horsetooth Half Marathon in Fort Collins on April 21. This is the race profile, ummm can you say HOLY HILLS!

It's funny because I was in total denial about the hills. We were doing a training run a few weeks before the race and we ran a couple hills and I was like, "Well I'm sure the actual race won't be as bad as this," to which my friends were like, "well, I'm pretty sure they are worse." THEY WERE RIGHT! Yikes!

None the less the race was AWESOME! I had so much fun. As soon as we finished I was hitting them up to do another one. HA. Here are a few pictures of us sporting our "sparkle"!

Before the race...

At about mile 8 all our hubbies and kiddos were waiting for us at the top of the last big hill. It was so awesome to have a little cheering section! Cameron had just gotten new running shoes and she was SO EXCITED to wear them to the race, just like mommy. :)

And of course the after pictures...look we're all smiling! I think that means we need to do another one girls! ;)

Yay for running, yay for summer when running can happen more easily and more often! Yay for fun races. :)

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