Sunday, May 19, 2013

Fun in Texas!

Holy cow, life has been CRAZY for us the last few weeks (ok, months really). I cannot believe I haven't updated our blog in so long! We've had a lot of really fun and exciting things happen. So buckle your seat belts, some major update blogging is coming over the next day or so!
Ok, so rewind a couple months to the end of March. We took a family trip to Texas to see Nick and Annie and the kiddos for Easter and took a quick two day trip down to Waco to visit Baylor and to see a couple of our friends in that area. The trip was a blast, minus a little bug that got us for a day or so--Ryan, Sydney and I had a few tummy issues :-(. However we were lucky the yuckies passed quickly. We had such a good time playing at the park, hanging out, eating :), more playing at the park, going on adventures, eating Easter candy, etc. etc.  

Cameron and Sydney had SO MUCH FUN playing with Cole and Finley. They went through major withdraw when we had to go home.

One night while we were there we got a baby sitter so we could go out with just the grown ups. We love our kiddos, but it's always nice to have a little bit of a break.

Easter was fun. The kids are starting to be big enough to get holidays. The Easter bunny came to fill baskets and hide a bunch of eggs in the house. The kids were amazed at what they found when the woke up.

Cole was SO EXCITED about his Transformers Lego's that he got from the Easter bunny. I'm pretty sure Annie heard him up in his room at 3:00am playing with them! HA

We went to church with Nick and Annie, which was really nice. Everyone looked so nice all dressed up!

After church we went to an Easter egg hunt at a friends house. The house was AMAZING! And they had a blow up castle so, again, the kids were in heaven.

Monday after Easter we went down to Waco for a few days. More on that to come.

We had so, so, so, so much fun with Nick and Annie. We wish we could see them more often. But for now trips every couple months and Facetime is just going to have to do!

Thanks Nick and Annie for letting us stay with you!!!

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