Monday, August 13, 2012

Ten Months Old!

Sydney is Ten Months Old!

August 11, 2012

Last summer at this time I was starting to count down the weeks of my pregnancy. I was sick of it being so hot, because it meant I had to cut trips to the park short because this pregnant lady just couldn't handle it. I was daydreaming about the little girl that was kicking me in the ribs. What was she going to look like? What would her personality be like? But with about eight weeks left, the end was in sight! This year, I can't believe my baby is getting so close to being a year old. How on earth is she motoring around and starting to drive her sister crazy already?

So Sydney, what are you up to at ten months old?
  • You're sleeping schedule is just about the same: up at about 6:30am, naps at about 9:00am and 12:30pm, to bed about 6:30pm.
  • You wear mostly 12 month clothes, and size 3 diapers (sometimes size 4 when I'm lazy and put you in your sisters diapers).
  • You are BUSY! It's very difficult to get you dressed and change your diaper because you don't want to sit still. You are crawling all over the place, standing all by yourself and getting REALLY close to taking steps. You've taken a few mini steps, but I'm not officially counting those. You're walking really well when we hold your hands. 
  • You love to eat out of a snack cup, but 50% of your snack flys out all over the place.
  • You took your first trip to Lake Tahoe this month.
  • You are still a big eater. You like beans, ground turkey, chicken, peas, squash, pretty much anything. However, there are several fruits you're not a huge fan of: cantaloupe, peaches, nectarines.
  • You have the sweetest laugh and cutest little smile.
  • You have a little teddy bear lovie that you like to snuggle with when you sleep.
  • You are still using a pacifier at night, during naps and during other down times.
  • You will crawl over to my feet and put your arms up so I'll pick you up. It's very sweet.
  • You drink water out of a sippy cup, and love it when you can get your hands on your sister's juice cups.
  • You've started to sign "more" and we're working on "all done".
  • You've taken an interest in our toys and love to pull things out of the toy box and off shelves.
  • You are a huge fan of "inspecting" drawers, cabinets, shelves, etc. (when I say inspecting I mean pulling every thing out of/off of). 
  • Sydney, you are sweet, fun, happy and just such a great little baby! We love you so, so much!  
And this montage will help you understand what exactly I mean when I say Miss Sydney is busy. :) (Click on it to blow it up bigger).  

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