Friday, July 6, 2012

Swimming Lessons

Both my girls love the water, which I'm so excited about. Cameron is a little fish and never wants to leave the pool, and Sydney loves to sit and splash (and drink!) the water. We're blessed to have several kid friendly pools in Longmont, which has been so great this summer.

Since Cameron has been doing so well in the water I figured it was about time I look into swimming lessons. I checked at the rec center and found out that the city has a whole bunch of swimming lessons during the summer. Perfect!

I signed Cameron up for the Water Explorer class. She technically isn't old enough for it yet (she's supposed to be 2 1/2) but I was so confident she'd do well in the class they made and exception. I was right, she did great! She jumped right in and had a blast blowing bubbles, kicking and crawling like an alligator across the pool! And it was seriously so cute to watch all the little kiddos.

Here are a few pictures from her first class.

Nothing like lounging and eating goldfish after a taxing swim class!

The second day.

Here's a little motorboat action (not that kind of motorboat, get your head out of the gutter people!!)

Sorry for Sydney's screaming. Sidenote on that though. Sydney is totally learning from Cameron how to be loud and scream! It's kind of funny, but kind of not when they both get going at the same time.

And we mustn't forget about miss Sydney. She was a great little cheerleader for her big sister.

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