Tuesday, February 14, 2012

My Loves

I have three loves in my life:

Jesus Christ
My Husband
My Girls

Seeing as it's Valentine's Day and all, I thought I'd talk a little bit about these loves of my life.

God's love for us is compared to a father's love for his children over and over again in scripture. Now that I'm a mother, I have such a better understanding of what that really means. The love I have for my girls is so strong, I couldn't possibly imagine what my life would be like without them and if anything was ever to happen to either one of them I would be completely crushed. To think that God's love for me is like that, but much more is just overwhelming. I am so blessed to be one of God's children.

Ryan and I have been together for over 6 years now. It's funny to think about how little I really knew about his when we got married. But God had a plan, and I have definitely benefited from that plan. The more and more I learn about Ryan the more I love him. He is an incredible person, a hard worker and he has a huge heart. I love sharing my life with him. My heart melts when I watch him interact with our girls. To me he is the most perfect man in the whole world and I'm glad I can call him mine.

Cameron and Sydney are more wonderful than I could have ever imagined, and to think that they are my little girls just takes my breath away. I could not be more blessed to be their mommy. I could just sit and look at their sweet faces all day long and never get sick of it. I find such joy in taking care of them, teaching them, watching them grow and become their own little people. When I look at them I know that God is real because each one of them is truly a miracle.  

Happy Valentine's Day My Loves!

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