Monday, February 13, 2012

Miss Cameron is Two!

It's February 13 and that means our little Cameron is two! I can hardly believe it. I absolutely love being her mommy. I seriously wouldn't trade it for anything in the whole world. I'm so blessed to be able to stay home with her everyday and watch her learn and grow. She is the perfect combination of sweet and spunky, which makes me smile...and pull my hair out...but mostly just smile.

We had Cameron's two year wellness check with the doctor last Thursday and she is doing great. She's very healthy and meeting all the 2 year milestones. She weighs 24 pounds, 1 ounce (42nd percentile), she's 35.5 inches tall (88th percentile), and her head circumference is 48 centimeters (72nd percentile). So basically she's still tall and skinny.

So Cameron, what are you up to at two years old?
  • You love to dance and be silly, play outside, sing, read books, color, watch movies and shows, swim, "drive" the car, talk on the phone, help clean
  • Your favorite foods and drinks are noodles, goldfish, cheese, rice, juice and chocolate milk.
  • You are very opinionated and don't hesitate to tell us exactly what you do and do not want.
  • You love your little sister and are very proud to tell people about her.
  • You love "Mouse!" a.k.a. Mickey and Minnie Mouse. Anything Mickey and Minnie is a big hit including books, toys, shows, decorations, etc.
  • You are talking extremely well. You can communicate very clearly and are putting together more and more sentences everyday.
  • You are very sweet and give kisses and cuddle, when you're in the mood.
  • You are very attached to your "Phire" a.k.a. pacifier. We're really not looking forward to breaking you of it.
  • You're favorite movies are Mary Poppins, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, Tangled and Toy Story 3.
  • You're favorite TV shows are Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Little Einsteins and Jake and the Neverland Pirates.
  • You absolutely love books, and to be honest you read such a variety of them I can't even list your favorites.
  • You are very beautiful little girl, people are constantly telling us how cute your are!
  • You love older kids. Whenever you see them you are fascinated by them and when you have the chance, you love to join in their games.
  • You are very smart, which is a good thing, but definitely keeps your daddy and I on our toes.
  • You are getting very good at counting. You can count to five and then kind of keep going to 10 (it usually is something like this 5, 6, 8, 10).
  • You're favorite outfit is a pink dress that I got for $1.50 at a consignment sale. Every time you see it you ask to put it on and if it goes into the wash, you get upset.

Cameron, you are such a joy! You're daddy and I are so incredibly blessed by you and we are so thankful that God has given us such a wonderful little girl to raise. We pray every single day that God guides and directs us a we parent you so that you grow up to be a woman of strong character who knows and loves the Lord. We love you so very much Peanut!

How is it possible that this was already two years ago?

  Happy Birthday Toots!

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