Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Miss Sydney

As you all know, Sydney is now rolling over! It cracks me up because she loves to do it over and over and over. Every time I leave her for a few seconds I come back and she is on her tummy again. She hasn't quite figured out how to go from her tummy to her back yet, so we have to help her out a little bit, but I'm sure it won't be long before she figures that out too.

Sydney slept in her room all by her self for the very first time last night. I know, I know, she's almost 4 months old...it's about time. I never intended to have her sleep in our room for that long, but it just kind of happened that way. She did great. Didn't wake up once the whole night!

This is Sydney's new favorite position—hands behind her head. It totally cracks me up.

We had a follow up appointment with Sydney's surgeon today. He said everything is looking really good and she is healing up nicely. Yay! We'll have to go in and see him again in 4 to 6 weeks so he can check her out again and make sure everything is continuing to progress well. This was a picture we took of her today at the appointment. She looks like such a big girl!


Anonymous said...

Mmm would love to fill her tiny hole up

Anonymous said...

all 3 of them baby is hot