Sunday, November 27, 2011

Thanksgiving Week

I am so incredibly thankful for everything that God has blessed me with. I couldn't even imagine my life without my wonderful husband, my sweet little girls, our extended families, and all our friends. We are so lucky to live in a free country where we can worship the Lord how we want when we want. Ryan and I have a beautiful home and lots of nice things. I could go on and on listing all the gifts God has given us...but I won't :). I'll just make it simple and say Thank You Jesus!

Now for a quick update on our week:

Nick, Annie and their kiddos flew in from Texas last Saturday. We were so excited for them to be here for the holiday. For Ryan's mom's birthday in August we gifted her professional grand kid photos, so on Saturday afternoon Corrie Kraft came over for a photo session. Let's just say it's not exactly easy to get four little kiddos to all cooperate for photos! It was actually pretty hilarious. Even if they weren't all happy the whole time, they all looked super cute and I'm sure we got some good shots. After the photo shoot we had dinner at Ryan's mom and dad's with a bunch of other family members. Cameron was a trooper, she stayed up until almost 11pm that night.

Cameron hanging out in her jammies at Papa and Mimi's house

We went to brunch with the whole fam on Sunday afternoon. It's so much fun to get Cameron and Cole together now because they have so much fun. They had a great time being silly at the restaurant. Then on Sunday night we got a sitter for all the kiddos (minus Sydney) because we had a special little outing planned...a surprise party for Annie's 30th Birthday! She was completely surprised since her birthday isn't for another two weeks.

 Cameron and Cole being silly at lunch

 Cameron and Cole holding hands as they walked out of the cute!

Annie, Courtney (Annie's good childhood friend), and me when we walked into the surprise party

We celebrated my wonderful husband's birthday on Monday. I had the fam over for a birthday dinner at our house. On the menu: Abo's pizza and carrot cake... some of Ryan's favorites.

Tuesday the girls and I hit the store to get groceries for Thanksgiving dinner. I wanted to get it done a little early so that I didn't have to fight any crowds.

Annie taught me to make the super cute bows. I'm so excited that I know how to do them now. Cameron and Sydney are going to have bows to match every outfit! I love it. After bow making it was home to start prepping for Thanksgiving dinner. Ryan and Nick went to the Avs game on Wednesday night, so it was just me and the girls getting the food ready. Cameron actually "helped" with ripping the bread for the stuffing and a few other things. I love that she is getting old enough to participate in holidays. It's so much fun.

Turkey Day! Yay! Ryan and I got the turkey ready and then we took the girls to the park for a little while before we needed to get everything else ready for dinner. Ryan's family and Jenna all came over for our Thanksgiving feast. I think we did pretty well for it being our first time to host Thanksgiving dinner. My tummy was definitely happy.

 Getting the bird ready

Cameron chillin' watching the Macy's day parade

 Jenna and Sydney

Ryan, Annie and the grub

 Nick and Annie's sweet family

 The closest thing we got to a family picture

Daddy and Cameron

Sydney swinging while we ate

 Finley hanging out on the blanket

 Cameron and Cole playing with Uncle Nick

Uncle Nick and Cameron

Friday we had a little family day. Ryan and I took Cameron and Sydney to see The Muppet movie. It was so much fun. Sydney pretty much slept the whole time and Cameron LOVED it. After the movie we went to a pizza place for lunch and then ran into REI for a little bit. By the time we got into the car to head home, Cameron was pooped. She zonked out right away. Friday night we got together with a whole bunch of Ryan's family again. Brady and Kinsley were there so again, Cameron had a bunch of kiddos to play with.

Walking into the movie theater

 Getting ready for the movie to start

In the hall after the movie

 Saying hi to Alvin in the lobby of the movie theater

 Lunch at the pizza shop

Tired girl

We had lunch with Nick and Annie before they left for the airport and then we came home and everyone took naps. We were all pretty exhausted from a busy week. Ryan also gave Sydney her first bottle on Saturday evening. She was great. She took it without any problems and drank almost the entire thing.  

 I love that Sydney has started to smile! So sweet.

Drinking her first bottle

Today we got to go to Cameron's friend Mason's 2nd birthday party. Cameron had a blast playing with all the other kids, eating snack mix and ice cream, and helping Mason open his presents. (Yeah that's right, she got right in the middle of everything and started opening presents with the birthday boy. Good thing he's a nice kid! At least we know she's going to get into Christmas this year.)

Now it's back to our normal schedule for a couple weeks. Thank goodness! We absolutely love having family around, but we are always so busy when everyone is here that it's kind of nice to slow down a little bit afterwards.


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