Wednesday, November 2, 2011


Halloween was a huge success at our house this year! We started the day off by carving a pumpkin. I have wonderful memories of carving pumpkins with my Uncle Gummer when I was a kid, so I really want to make craving pumpkins a fun tradition with our girls. Cameron wasn't hugely interested in the whole process, so I ended up doing most of the work. But she did use the spoon to try to scoop out some seeds and she liked putting the top on the pumpkin when we were all done, so I count that as a success. After all, what more could you expect from a 20 month old?

Initially my plan was to have Cameron dress up as a clown. My mom made me a clown costume for Halloween when I was two years old, so I figured it would work great to have Cameron wear that same costume. But sadly we weren't able to find it. I think the basement trolls got their hands on it. Luckily, a lady in Ryan's office had a costume that her son wore when he was about Cameron's age...a skunk! I put a little bow on the skunks head to make it a girl and it turned out really cute.

On Halloween night Cameron went trick-or-treating with her little friend Ian who lives down the street. Ian was Bob the Builder. I'm not sure if they ever really figured out what was going on with the whole trick-or-treating thing, but they had blast running up and down the street, knocking on doors and getting candy. And we had fun watching them!

Miss Sydney went trick-or-treating too, but she stayed cuddled up in the baby bjorn the whole time, which I think she rather enjoyed. :) 

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