Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Pasta Night

Last night was pasta night at the Volk's house. I'm not talking pasta from the box. No, no, no...I'm talking fresh, homemade pasta made from scratch! My friend Sarah has become quite the pasta expert lately. She took a cooking class awhile ago where she learned how to make it and has been working on perfecting the process ever since.

Yesterday afternoon she came over—fresh eggs and flour in one hand and her snazzy pasta maker in the other—and helped Cameron and I make fettuccine. And let me just say, it was AWESOME! I put together a chicken wine sauce and the dish was amazing. Too bad it takes so long to make the pasta or else I would be doing it a lot more often!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sarah Beth!! How fun, glad peeps are able to keep in touch and actually see each other!