Friday, September 9, 2011

Operation Big Girl Bed

We're finally doing it...we're moving Cameron into her big girl bed! It makes me a little sad. I can't believe she's big enough for this already. But baby's going to be here soon and I don't want Cameron to think that her baby sister is booting her out of her bed (even though she kind of is). So this week I decided to toughen up (I was positive I was going to cry when we made this switch) and move her out of the crib and into the toddler bed. Good news is, I haven't cried yet!

I decided it would probably be best to ease into it, so on Wednesday afternoon Cameron took her nap in the big girl bed. She was a rock star! She went right to sleep and stayed in her bed for the whole nap time. Same thing Thursday and today. So with several successful naps under our belt, Ryan and I decided to take the plunge and put her in her big girl bed for the entire night tonight.

So far so good, although she's not asleep yet she's still rolling around and singing to herself (which I can tell by looking at our awesome new video monitor that I'll tell you more about in a minute). But she is still in the bed and she's twirling her hair, so I figure those are good signs. Keep your fingers crossed!

I really wanted to get a video monitor for when we moved Cameron into her new room and her big girl bed. I figure it would be really helpful because we would be able to see what's she's doing without actually going into the room and distracting her. Plus, they have video monitors where you can get a second camera and monitor several rooms at the same time. Perfect for the new baby and Cameron, right?

Well Papa and Mimi and Uncle Nick and Aunt Annie decided to get us the Rolls-Royce of video monitors as our gift for baby #2...and it's awesome! It has a touch screen color monitor, the ability to scan around the room and an intercom so we can talk into the room without actually going in. It is so neat to watch and see what Cameron is actually doing while she's falling asleep and waking up...and what crazy positions she falls asleep in!

Of course after she fell asleep the first time I snuck in to take some pictures of Toots in her big girl bed. This is a momentous occasion, so it definitely had to be documented! And then today she fell asleep with a Berenstain Bears book over her which was so cute, so I had to take some more pictures.

 First time napping in the big girl bed

 Fell asleep with a book on her, teacher Granne would be so proud!

This is how I found her after her nap today.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

lets get your panties off and christen your bed