Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Doggie Heaven

Those of you who have followed my blog for awhile have caught glimpses of Shakespeare and Abbey—my Aunt Mac's basset hound doggies. They are the coolest dogs ever and catch people's attention everywhere they go.

Well today I got some awful news, Shakespeare went to doggie heaven. My aunt found out a week or two ago that he had cancer and apparently it was pretty advanced. I'm so sad. He was the sweetest dog, really mellow and happy. When we went out East last April he was great with Cameron and let her crawl all over him without a complaint.

I wrote a little poem in honor of Shakespear...have fun in doggie heaven little man!

Here's to you Shake

Our good friend Shakespeare has gone away,
Why did it have to happen today?

He was sweet and fun and plain old great,
I would say, of course, he was first rate.

But while we’re sad we can surly know,
Doggie heaven is the place to go.

There is endless fun with other pups,
Going on walks and chewing on cups.

So here’s to you our furry friend,
It’s your beginning not the end.

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