Saturday, August 13, 2011

18 Months Old

One And A Half!

August 13, 2011

Cameron is now one and a half! I can't believe how fast the summer has flown by, and how big my little girl has gotten. She is doing so many fun new things, it's just a blast to watch.   

So Cameron, what are you up to at one and a half?
  • You are starting to talk a lot, mostly just saying single words, but you have said a few short sentences too. Your two favorite words are probably MINE and NO (go figure), but you have been saying a ton of other things too. You can also sign several words including: more, thank you, please and all done.
  • You love your baby doll and stroller, those are probably your favorite toys right now.
  • You are wearing mostly 18 month clothes, although you do sport a few 12 month outfits still.
  • You can eat pretty much anything at this point, although it's pretty hard to predict what you're going to like and when. One day you'll pound down a whole banana and then the next you won't even touch one so it's kind of hit or miss. However, if we ever offer you ice cream, cookies, candy, etc. you don't hesitate for a second.   
  • You have a lot of teeth now. I'm not exactly sure how many but I'm thinking it's probably right around 12. 
  • You love to play outside. We go to the pool, the park and play in our yard quite a bit and you love it.
  • You really like pushing things around (brooms, golf clubs, sticks).
  • You are always ready to jump in an help me clean. I usually pull out an extra rag so you can clean with me. You are also fascinated by the vacuum cleaner and the floor mop.
  • You are still pretty attached to your pacifiers. We're starting to talk about when/how we should break you of the habit, although it makes me a little nervous because the pacifier works magic when you're cranky or tired.
  • You are completely obsessed with my phone, probably because we sometimes watch movies on it. You ALWAYS want to hold it and play with it, and will usually throw a little "MINE" fit when we don't let you have it. 
  • You have discovered the TV and love to watch movies and shows. 
  • You are starting to show us a little bit of your sassy side. We hear a lot of very enthusiastic "No's" from you and there are a lot of times when you'll look at us continue doing something intentionally that we just told you not to do.  
  • You know to hold our hands and bow your head when we say grace before eating meals together.
  • You love playing with other kids and love watching big kids. It makes me nervous sometimes because you get a little too confident and try to do what the big kids are doing!
  • You love your "pretties" (bows, bracelets, necklaces).
Gosh, there are probably so many more things that I could add to this list, but I think it provides a pretty good snapshot. Cameron, you are a little ham and make us laugh a lot. Your daddy and I absolutely love watching you grow and discover new things. We are so proud to be your parents.   

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