Sunday, August 28, 2011

33 Weeks

Pregnancy Highlights

How far along: 33 weeks, 0 days

Size of baby: A little over 4 lbs (about the weight of a pineapple), 17 inches from head to heel

Total weight gain: ~35 lbs...and only 4 of that is actually baby! Oh well, it is what it is.

Maternity clothes: I've been very blessed to have gotten some great loaner maternity clothes, which has been really nice for expanding my wardrobe choices. (I think Ryan was probably getting sick of seeing me dressed in over sized t-shirts and workout shorts all the time!)

Gender: Still a girl :)

Movements: Baby girl is moving a ton! She is usually the most active at night right after we put Cameron to bed and before we go to bed. It's so crazy to watch my belly move around. The other night I put my phone on my belly and you could REALLY see how drastic the movements were then.

Sleep: I've been sleeping pretty well considering, so I can't really complain.

What I miss: Being able to move around "gracefully". Not that I was ever really that graceful, but I just feel kind of big and bulky now and it's not as easy to bend over to pick things up, etc.

Cravings: I really haven't been having any big cravings. However, I am really digging carbs—crackers, breads, etc. I also bought this new kind of peanut butter which turned out to be awesome, so I've been eating quite a bit of that recently too.

Symptoms: A few weeks ago I had this side pain that didn't go away for almost 24 hours. It was SUPER uncomfortable. I asked the doctor about it and he said it was most likely just a result of all the stretching that's going on in that area right now. Boy am I glad that it hasn't been a recurring thing (knock on wood!)

Best moment of the week: It's actually been a couple weeks since I've done this, so I'm going to give you some highlights from the past few weeks. We got our house painted and a lot of pictures hung up which is really making our house start to feel more finished. We also got Cameron's big girl room painted and we put her toddler bed in there, which she LOVES! I bought the new crib skirt for the baby's room, which sets the tone for the rest of the room (I'm really excited to get it all set up now!). I went to a kids stuff consignment sale and got some great clothes for both girls, as well as some toys and other random things. I went to see The Help with some girlfriends which was a really fun girls outing. Cameron and I got to go out on the lake in a family friend's boat and had a blast. Cameron had her 18 month doctors appointment and the doctor only had positive things to say to us. We had Cameron's 18 month pictures taken at a park near our house. Realizing we're starting to run out of weekends before baby comes!      

Cameron wanted to take belly shots with me...

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