Saturday, July 9, 2011

North Dakota Part 4: The Farm

On Tuesday, we got to drive through the town of Flasher, ND where Ryan's mom grew up and we got to visit the farm where Ryan's dad grew up. This was definitely one of my favorite parts of the whole trip! Ryan has lots of memories of visiting those places when he was a kid and I loved hearing his parents and the other siblings talk about what it was like to grow up there.

Our first stop was a little restaurant in Flasher where we had lunch...

And then onto the farm...

About an hour before we got to the farm, one of the goats had babies, they weren't even up and walking yet...

After the farm we went to see the school that Ryan's dad graduated from. The high school closed down awhile ago because the farm kids were all growing up and leaving the little town of Raleigh, ND. Now the facility is used to help adolescents with out-of-control, antisocial or delinquent behavior. (It's actually a really neat thing they're doing there, if your interested check out their website: Prairie Learning Center). We got to take a tour of the whole facility which was really neat... and the kiddos loved the gym! Based on the plaque under the scoreboard in the gym, I'm guessing that back in the day Ryan's dad and his siblings loved the gym too!

Finally it was off to Medora for the final part of our North Dakota vacation. And as I'm sure you all know, no road trip through the country is complete without a quick pee break in the middle of nowhere...

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