Monday, June 20, 2011

Father's Day

I am so blessed to be married to the most wonderful man in the entire world...and it just so happens that he is a terrific father too. It's been awesome watching him step into the daddy role, he's such a natural.

For Father's Day yesterday we went to brunch with Ryan's dad and mom and then we came home and Ryan watched golf/napped while I caught up on some stuff around the house. Then we decided to go out for dinner and had some yummy burgers at Red Robin.   

Ryan has been talking about getting a new mountain bike for a long time now. But with all the expenses that come along with buying a new house, forking over a gazillion dollars for a new bike isn't really an option. However I know he loves riding, so for Father's Day Cameron and I decided to start his new bike fund. I know it's not as good as getting him an actual bike, but at least it's a tangible start.

We made him his very own bike fund piggy bank and started to load it with cash. Now hopefully we'll be able to keep filling up the bank so he can be riding a new bike before too long.

Silly girl!

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