Saturday, April 2, 2011

Practicing for Number Two

We had a little visitor last week, Mr. Holt. He's my friends little three month old. She got asked to work an extra shift at the hospital, so I said I'd be happy to babysit for the morning. It was great practice for what my life is going to be about a year from now! Cameron wasn't so sure about not being the center of my attention, but it was good for her to learn that she needed to be patient and wait her turn.

It's just amazing to me that some people have their kids less than a year apart. Ours are going to be 20 months apart and I'm sure that will be challenging, but can you imagine having a little one who isn't even walking yet and then having a newborn? Wow, that would be exhausting! I guess you just pray that they nap at the same time!

Anyway, Cameron was fascinated with Holt. As soon as she woke up from her nap she b-lined into the room where Holt was sleeping and decided that she not only wanted to look at the baby, but she wanted to rock his car seat and talk to him too. In retrospect, I shouldn't have let her in the room because it was just a recipe for disaster. There was no way Holt was going to sleep through Cameron's little visit. Oh well, live and learn, right?

Holt wasn't so sure about Cameron, but she was excited to chat anyway!

Cameron also thought the bouncy chair was pretty cool. I pulled it out of storage so Holt could use it while he was here and Cameron thought it was a great toy.

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