Friday, April 22, 2011

14 Weeks

A couple of my friends have been doing pregnancy highlights like this on their blogs and I thought it was a great way to I'm copying!

Pregnancy Highlights

How far along: 14 weeks, 5 days

Size of baby: 3.5 inches, 1.5 ounces (about the size of a lemon)

Total weight gain/loss: Oh my gosh this is a little embarrassing, gained 12.5 pounds from the day I took the positive pregnancy test. (I think the fact I stopped nursing, quit running, was eating constantly so I wouldn't feel sick and started growing a baby really made a difference in the weight department!)

Maternity clothes: Not yet, although I can no longer button the top button of my jeans so belts and belly bands are coming in mighty handy. It's kind of strange because when I was preggers with Cameron I was in maternity pants right away because the legs of my pants got too tight.

Gender: We don't know yet, but we find out at our next appointment on May 25.

Movements: I think I might have felt a little movement yesterday, but it's still early so I'm not really sure.

Sleep: Horrible! Most nights I wake up about 3am and can't fall back asleep. I don't know if it's because I'm pregnant or just have a lot on my mind since we have a lot going on in our lives right now. But whatever it is it really stinks because I really like to sleep. Thankfully, I've been able to take naps most days while Cameron is napping to make up for the missed hours in the middle of the night.

What I miss: Sandwiches, Running

Cravings: A few weeks ago I had a soft pretzel craving which resulted in us buying a huge box of them that now sits in the freezer. Also have really liked bagels with cream cheese. (Gosh, and I wonder why I'm putting on the lbs so quickly).

Symptoms: I'm actually feeling pretty great now. The first 12 weeks I definitely felt yucky, but basically at 12 weeks to the day I started to fell better and get my energy back. Yay for the second trimester.

Best moment of the week: I had my 14 week doctors appointment on Wednesday and got to hear baby's heartbeat and see him/her in an ultrasound. It's just amazing how much they grow in just a few weeks. It was also kind of fun because my doctor had some extra time so we got to sit and chat for awhile.


Unknown said...

yay for 2nd trimester energy! mmm bagels and cream cheese. I've eaten that a lot these past two weeks. I'm having trouble staying away from carbs too! Looking good!
Happy Resurrection Sunday!!

theseemanfamily said...

Well, I'm not sure where you are putting the 12.5lbs, b/c you look great! :)
I'm jealous of the bagel and cream cheese, yummy that sounds so good!!