Monday, March 14, 2011

13 Months on the 13th

Well, Cameron motored right on past being a one year old and now she's building steam as she moves towards "big girl" status.

She walks like a pro now and has even started experimenting with running a little bit, although she hasn't been that successful thus far. But I'm sure it's not too far off.

Her favorite book is Baby Signs for Bedtime and she's even started to repeat some of the signs as we flip through the pages. She loves books in general and it's not uncommon to find her in her room pulling her books out of her baskets.

She's started saying a few words, "dada" "mama" "ball" "balloon" "apple". They are not real easy to decipher at this point, but you can tell that she's starting to say them more consistently.

She is not shy about telling us what she wants. She'll point and talk until she gets what she's asking for and we've even started to see her throw some fits when she doesn't get what she wants. Oh joy. :)

Her motor skills are continuing to improve. She can easily pull goldfish and cheerios out of her special snack cups now. Which she LOVES to do. Sometimes I'll find her searching through the diaper bag to find snacks. Silly girl. 

She loves pulling her toys out of the toy box, especially the ones that sing or make noise.

She's starting to test us. The best example I have is at mealtimes. She'll hold her food out, look at me and as I tell her "no no" she'll drop it on the floor. We have the conversation over and over that food goes in our mouths or on our trays, NOT on the floor. She'll even point to her mouth showing me that she understands. Then the next thing I know her hand is out over the floor again. And so it begins...

Here are some pictures of our little twinkle toes. :)

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