Friday, January 7, 2011

Bring on the Food

Many of you have heard epic Rachel eating stories...In high school my basketball team would go to Noodles & Company and I would quickly finish my meal and then would work on finishing whatever was left in everyone else's bowls...The first time I went to Annie's parent's house for dinner she told her mom to make an extra Mexican lasagna because I was coming (coincidentally, that was also the first time I met Ryan, how embarrassing!)...After crew practiced one Saturday a bunch of my teammates and I decided it would be fun to have a 1lb hamburger eating contest. I proceed to finish my burger first and then started eating other people's fries...You get the point.

Well, I think Cameron is finally starting to take after her mommy, she loves to eat! She has been putting down food like a champ lately. I'm talking big portions for such a little peanut. It was bound to happen sooner or later, after all she is my daughter! Plus, she is such a little busy body. She never stops unless she's asleep, so she needs to be refuling that little body of hers.

The best part is she has so much fun during meal time. She'll sit for 30 or 45 minutes talking to me while she eats her food. It's so much fun!

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