Monday, June 21, 2010

Go Go Gadget Arms

I realized a few days ago that I can't just leave things sitting in front of Cameron anymore...she is reaching and grabbing like crazy now! This video is from last week. Notice how she turned herself around in her chair, very sneaky. This was right after she knocked over that glass of water sitting in front of her. Ooops, that was totally my fault. I didn't think there was any way she'd be able to reach it!

We've had a lot of exciting stuff going on the last few days, but unfortunately, I've also been sick. It has been horrible. Honestly, I'm hardly ever sick. Maybe once a year I'll get a cold, or something pretty small like that. I was never once sick while I was pregnant. Well, now I've had the flu twice in the last two months.

Have any of you other mommies had this problem while you've been breastfeeding? I'm wondering if I'm wearing myself down too much. What do you think? I know nursing takes a lot out of you, could I be over doing it with everything else?

Speaking of which, I should probably be getting to bed. I'll update you on our other recent happenings ASAP.

1001 Things It Means to Be a Mom, Thing #6: Being a mom means having a life filled with bittersweet moments--like the first day of preschool and high school graduation.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Aw fun. I got hit hard recently too, both Thomas and I. But since Sean goes to day care the doc said he probably brought something home. Or Thomas brought something back from China, hah! I can't speak for how nursing affects wellness. Load up on your Flintstone vitamins! Hope you feel better soon.