Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Sleepy Baby

Cameron really is a great sleeper. We are extremely blessed because I know that not all parents have the same experience that we have when it comes to sleeping babies.

Recently Cameron has started to be a wiggle worm when she sleeps. We'll put her down one direction and when we come to get her up, she's positioned in an entirely different direction, even when she's swaddled! Ryan and I get a kick out of it. She must be getting strong ab muscles kicking her legs to move herself around like that!

Our sweet little girl,
I'm convinced there is nothing better than watching a sleeping baby

This is Cameron in her swaddle blanket,
this was in the morning so she had worked her way out of it a little bit,
but for those of you who are unfamiliar with swaddle blankets,
this is what they are

This was the other morning when I went to get Cameron up,
we put her in her crib the other direction when we put her to bed

This is when I went to get Cameron up from her nap yesterday,
notice she's moved out from under the blanket

This is Cameron taking a nap this morning, I thought she looked cute

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