Saturday, May 8, 2010

God on TV?

A bug hit our house this week, yuck. Ryan was home sick on Wednesday and then I woke up feeling pretty crummy on Friday morning. Cameron seems to be hanging in there so far. She's a little stuffier then normal, but other than that she seems to be okay. I'm just praying she doesn't get the fever, headache, sore throat etc. that Ryan and I had.

I'm not usually a big TV watcher, but I was feeling so crummy that I stayed home by myself last night while Ryan and Cameron went to the Volk and Bell chili cook off and I ended up getting sucked into watching like 5 hours of wedding shows on TLC. (They are so darn addicting!) While I was glued to the TV, I kept seeing a preview for the Mother's Day special of 19 Kids and Counting where Mr. and Mrs. Duggar bring home the newest Duggar baby from the hospital.

I haven't watched this show in a really long time, but the preview caught my attention so I decided to check it out online to see what was going on. Apparently their little baby girl was born four months early at only 24 weeks into the pregnancy. Think about that, you're hardly even showing at 24 weeks. That's a really tiny baby. I don't care if you have had 18 other kids, that's got to be really scary.

They had this video clip posted on the website. It really touched me. What amazing faith this family has to have.

I honestly know nothing about this family besides what I've seen on TV, and we all know that TV can do a lot to misrepresent people, but if this clip is truly representative of what they believe and of the one true God. What a cool way to share your faith with the world. And what a miracle, that little baby is alive and well and coming home from the hospital!

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