Thursday, April 29, 2010


Yesterday it was in the 70's and today it's snowing...WHAT?! Crazy Colorado spring time weather. I'm just glad we're starting to get some summer weather. I love the summer! It's so fun to play outside when it's nice and warm. I have a pretty good feeling we're going to have a blast with Cameron this summer. I'm really looking forward to it!

Have you ever noticed when a baby smiles, they don't just smile with their mouth? It's their whole body that smiles! When Cameron smiles her eyes light up, she kicks and bats her arms...she just looks so excited. But then again, who wouldn't be excited if they had such a cool mommy? ;-)

You can tell she's not totally amused with me the whole time. If she could talk I have a feeling it would go something like this: "Mom, seriously it's too early to be taking videos. Put the camera down. No, I'm not going to smile. I'm just going to stare at you. But you are pretty funny, and I like when you say hi to me, so...well okay, I'll smile!"

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