Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The Weekend

Here's latest update on Team Volk. Nothing too exciting, just a fairly normal weekend...

Friday afternoon Ryan's office had a shower for Cameron. It was really nice. We are so lucky that Ryan works with such a great group of people.

On Saturday we spent the morning at home and then went on a field trip to Costco to get a flip camera! I'm really excited about the flip camera, it's so easy to use and so much fun to have videos of Cameron being awesome.

Cameron and Daddy cuddling in bed Saturday morning

Sunday we ventured to church for the first time since Cameron was born. Honestly, I wasn't that excited about going because our church is so incredibly crowded, but everything ended up working out just fine. We sat in the cry room with all the other little babies, which was nice. With all the distractions it's kind of hard to focus on the service from there, but it's good that we don't have to worry about bothering others.

Sunday night we had dinner with our small group and Cameron got to meet some new friends (and protectors, according to Morgan and Averie who decided that they were superheros with the responsibility of protecting Cameron from the monster that wanted to eat her!).

Averie holding Cameron

Morgan holding Cameron

Here are a few other pictures from the last few days:

Well that's all I've got for now. I've got to go feed the little munchkin. I'll post some videos from the flip camera soon!


theseemanfamily said...

I miss her....:(

Anonymous said...

I want Cameron and averie and we can practice making one of those

Anonymous said...

love to get them both naked and show them where the baby comes out